Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fruitastikally Nekorifik

Ok I intended this to be an every day posting but kind of got side tracked in RL pfft! So anyway I've jumped back on the blog train and here to tell you about a little place I came across today called Nekorifik. I told you I was bringing you unique and this little Neko joint is exactly that. That little 'blackberry' number you see me in above was designed and created by the owner Lawra Fredrickson. As well as that little fishbone necklace I have on :p So if you're Neko all the way or just like to role play it occasionally like yours truly, you're gonna love her place! She has the some of the most unique little things I've seen and veryyyyy reasonably priced. Oh and a very honest and conscientious shop owner. I had bought several things from her today and suddenly out of the blue she sends me some money .... woohoo free money. LOL Seriously tho' she had one of the necklaces I bought on sale but was configured wrong so she was sending me the difference from the sale price to what I'd paid. You don't see that often in real or second life eh?
Anyway .... she has a new line of Fruitastik clothing ..... T-shirts, tanks, sweaters, hoodies, halters prim skirts and more. =^..^= So ladies this is a must shop!

Happy Shopping,



P.S. She also has a blog so check it out as well http://nekorifik.blogspot.com/

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